Games of the Week: Never try to keep up with the meta
Hello, and welcome back to Fake Gamer Bro, and we are doing another Games of the Week, and I have cam back. Hello, cam.
Yeah, sorry to inflict my presence upon you all again, but here I am.
So what games do you bring to us this week?
eah, so not Farm RPG. I promise.
So just a couple simple little mobile games, nothing to transcendant. One of them is called holedown one word.
And it is just a ball shooter, essentially one of those games where you drag it and you see the line where you're going to shoot it and then you shoot it and then things blow up.
Like a blockbuster type deal.
Nothing super special about it. It's framed around like mining into planets and stuff, but there's nothing really aesthetically related to that or anything like that.
So if you don't like the basic concept of the game, you probably will get bored pretty quickly. It's nothing really special, but I like it because I like simple addictive games like that.
I've gotten through all the levels gotten all the upgrades because it's a pretty quick play and now there's just basically a black hole endless mode essentially.
There seems to be an implied end to it, but I haven't gotten anywhere near that. So I have no idea.
But it's it's fun to play. I found myself picking it up all the time pretty much just for a couple minutes.
It's easy to lose track of time playing it, but I like I like the way I like the mechanics. I like the strategy of it. It's it's fun. It's a good time.
Yeah, I feel like I've seen that maybe on the the Google Play Store. I have to download it and try it out.
Hey said you had tried the animal that like the permanent animal in a pocket camp, whatever.
Pocket Camp Complete is what it's now called. Yeah. And I believe the main difference you pay $10 upfront.
The game used to be like live service with a subscription and everything like that.
Not that you had to pay the subscription, but you could. But now you pay 10 bucks upfront and it's basically all the items from all the past events are hypothetically accessible to you.
You don't have to get materials and craft them or like get them from cookies and stuff. So there's still an element of randomness to it.
But there's no more. I don't know if you can still buy things in game. I got the impression that like all the micro transactions are just gone now.
And you get currency in game to buy things, but I could be wrong. I could be. I really don't know. I haven't checked, but I haven't had to pay for anything so far.
So that's good. And my camp transferred over fine. They have like a get account transfer process, but I think because I had signed in with my Nintendo idea already everything was fine.
Because I just opened the game and everything was there so cool. So yeah, if you like pocket camp, you want to play it forever. There you go. That's your option. That's what they're doing now.
Yeah, I might check it out again. I didn't really keep up with it a whole lot whenever the original version came out, but I might. I don't know. I'll see. It is it is $10 for a game that I might not really play a lot, but. It's nice to know that it's out there at least.
Yeah, no, for sure. It's definitely a good option. I know people were kind of bummed out because since it's an offline game now, you can't really like have friends anymore.
You can scan people's camper cards and visit their camps, but you can't like directly interact with people or give them stuff anymore. So that's kind of a bummer.
That yeah, that makes sense.
Yeah, but if you don't care about that, then there you go. Yeah, yeah, fair enough. Yeah, I've been playing nothing really new. I've been I've been playing old stuff like I downloaded super auto pets again because I saw Alpharad play it on Apharad Gold.
He was doing a different game every day and he played it so badly it made me want to play it myself. He just, uh, he just sucks so bad, which I know Alpharad, if he got into it, he'd be very good, but just like the first time playing it just was just like not reading any of your rules and just being so bad.
It's like a live person version of those mobile game ads for someone deliberately does it shitty so you get mad and download it.
Yeah, absolutely, except that at least this one is like actually a legit game. Yeah, so super auto pets, you like, um, there are these different animals that will have different abilities and you can have five of them at once and level them them up by merging them together with the same pet.
And then you go automatically battle another opponent so you don't do anything is just the order you put the pets in and what abilities they have is what matters.
And so that's nice. So you don't actually have to like your PVP, but you don't have to do anything is just automatic.
And, um, and they have like different packs of pets. You can make your own packs depending on like there's like a few free ones and then ones that you can buy, but you can also set it to where you're only going up against people who have the same packs as you.
And so that that makes it a lot better so you're not just going up against someone who has like a crazy team you have like no way of of countering. I mean it's different people every time.
But it's pretty nice like it's got a lot of micro transactions like with the pets and stuff, but also like it like aesthetic, but it's not like it's fine. You can play for free. It's on mobile. It's on browser.
And it's just it's just a fun time and then I've just been playing a lot of magic survival. It had a new update recently that changed some of the combinations that added a merchant, which is pretty interesting.
And so there are like some of the elites have like health bars now and can shoot lasers at you. That's pretty funny. Yeah, it's a good time.
And so magic survival is like always updating it's still in the like 0.935 or something. So it's it's still getting there, but it's definitely changed the meta, which is very funny because I just started getting back into it again like a day or two before the new update dropped and I like, you know what I haven't actually looked at you with the meta of this game is and I went to look it up and I got some ideas.
And then I got a new combinations drop that just like, oh, no, this is the best new combination now and it has some of the components of like the old best combination. So I'm like, OK, well, I guess I guess I'm shifting the meta again, not that I see for pay attention to it anyway, but.
Yeah. I'm not really the type of person either
Because like electric zone is apparently one of the worst, but it's like it's got it's got a electric zone around you that if anyone comes into your zone it gets it gets damaged.
And I just can't start games without having that early on because I get hit and I die because I'm a fake gamer bro.
Magic survival, if if you haven't heard other episodes talking about it, I believe my first episode for the podcast ever was me talking about it.
This is the game that inspired vampire survivors, vampire survivors has now gone in a different direction with how things go as far as I know I haven't played it because I'm one of those salty hipster bitches.
That's like, well, magic survival came first, and magic survival, inspired like literally like the Dev said inspired vampire survivors and no one knows about it because it's Android only right and it's just one Korean person.
So they're not like, you know, talking a whole lot anywhere.
But if you have an Android phone and you feel like vampire survivors, I definitely recommend trying out magic survival. It's free. There are ads, but you can pay like $3 to get rid of the ads and.
Oh, that's good.
Like there's technically microtransactions, but I've never felt the need to buy them. So.
That's good. I do appreciate that kind of thing. Yeah, I've never played either of them, but maybe I will try them.
Yeah, it's really nice. If you just want like, I play it while watching YouTube and just like one hand is like moving my little guy around and the others like, I don't know eating chips or chilling.
Yeah, and that's pretty much what I've been playing, but we're about to get start playing games for a game of the year, all the games that got nominated for game of the year.
We're going to play some of them at least like I've been playing Balatro on mobile a bit.
That we'll talk about more, but yeah, because Cam, you're going to be on that one too.
Oh, cray.
You volunteered, right?
I probably did.
Okay, well, surprise. Okay, well, with that said, we're basically out of time.
So, uh, Cam, thank you for joining and talking about holedown. I will check that out that sounds cool.
And we will see you all next week.
Hell yeah.